NPR One For PC Windows and MAC – Free Download

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NPR One For PC Free Download And Install On Windows 10, MacOS, the newest version of “NPR One” is now available to run on computer OSs such as Windows 10 32bit & 64bit.

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How To Install NPR One App on Windows PC & MacBook

Download NPR One software for PC with the most potent and most reliable Android Emulator like NOX APK player or BlueStacks. All the Android emulators are completable for using NPR One on Windows 10, 8, 7, computers, and Mac.

  1. Download Emulators for Windows PC from official pages below to install them.
  2. Best emulators are here:; Or as an alternative
  3. Open Android emulator and login with Google account.
  4. NPR One app available on Play Store. So search and find it.
  5. Choose install option under the NPR One logo, and enjoy!

FAQ Of NPR One- Features and User Guide

NPR One is a whole new way to listen to stories, shows, and podcasts from NPR and your local public radio station.

It’s public radio made personal.

A handcrafted experience.
NPR One starts with the latest headlines then moves to a flow of stories that matter – narratives that increase your understanding, create connections, enrich your life and enliven your mind. All thoughtfully curated by hand, every day.

Always learning from you.
Just pop in your ear buds, tap your phone and NPR One starts flowing. And NPR One gets to know you. Skip what you don’t want, or tap the lightbulb to say a story is interesting. We’ll turn NPR One into your own personal radio station.

Love to listen on the go? Get the most out of NPR One with Android Auto and Android Wear. Skip, pause, and search at a glance without even touching your phone.
Staying at home? You can Chromecast NPR One to your TV or Cast for Audio devices.

Personal, not prescriptive.
Though your stream is personalized to deliver the stories you want, you’ll still hear the top news of the day and the stories you had no idea would captivate you.

Connected locally.
Even with the breadth of public radio at your fingertips, you won’t lose touch at home. Local news is woven seamlessly into your listening experience. Local stories, locally reported, are delivered daily. Community is everything.

• A personalized stream of NPR and local station news and stories
• Skip, rewind, pause and share
• Search for your favorite shows, programs and podcasts
• International, national, regional and local content
• A simple, intuitive interface
• Sleep timer with five presets

It’s simple. It’s intuitive. It’s there for you. (Wherever ‘there’ is.)

As fast as the world is changing the way it listens to public radio, NPR One is changing the way we deliver it. NPR is here to deliver the public radio experience wherever you are. Whenever you can connect.

Here we go. It’s NPR One.

*Data Protection Choices*

At NPR, we understand how important privacy is to you, and we are committed to transparency about how we collect, use and share your information. Please take a moment to read our privacy policy:

By downloading this app:
*You agree to NPR’s terms of use, available at
*You acknowledge that NPR may process your personal data as described in NPR’s privacy policy, available at
*You agree that NPR uses devices identifiers, tracking technologies, and information about the device you use to access NPR’s apps to enhance your viewing, listening, and user experience, personalize content, personalize messages from NPR’s sponsors, provide social media features, and analyze NPR’s traffic. This information is shared with social media services, sponsorship, analytics, and other third-party service providers. See details in NPR’s privacy policy.

What’s New On New Version Of NPR One

If an NPR story has text or a transcript, you’ll now be able to read in addition to listen. When available, clicking “Read Story” or “Read Transcript” will now load the full version of the story, including text and all visuals, without interrupting your listening experience. We’ve also freshened the design of story actions, particularly when viewing story details or using NPR One in landscape.

Various fixes and enhancements eliminate several crash conditions and improve Waze integration.


This app is the property of its developer/inc. We are not an affiliated partner of NPR One. Every element about NPR One apps like images and trademarks etc. are the property of the respective owner of NPR One.

Also, we do not use our server to download NPR One apps. Download starts from the authorized website of the NPR One app.

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